Monday, February 22, 2010

Import private key into java keystore - an easier way

If you ask google how you import a private key into a Java keystore file, the answers you get back all have source code for opening a DER file, reading it in and writing a keystore file programatically.

That works, but I've discovered a much, much easier way.

The -storetype argument to keytool allows you to translate key material. In fact, jarsigner can take the argument -storetype pkcs12, meaning you don't need to keep your signing key in a JCE keystore at all. But I digress.

If you can make a pkcs12 file with your private key and certificate - which should be easy with openssl's pkcs12 command - then you can use the following command to turn that into a java keystore:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore file.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore file.jceks -deststoretype JCEKS


Parveen said...

I never thought that this could be done in so simple and easier way.I used to use google way to do this.Thanks for sharing such an informative blog
signature seal

Unknown said...

Am Getting this Error :
keytool error: failed to decrypt safe contents entry: javax
.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded

Nick said...

BadPaddingException usually means the wrong password.