Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sharkscope check-up

I still haven't quite turned the corner at P* yet, but I am closing in on it - just under $40 to go. But 6 months ago I went to the WPT boot camp, and that changed my game quite a bit. At first, the change was negative, but after I had some tutoring from Crispin, I've seen a definite change. I can validate this by doing an advanced search limiting the results to the last 6 months.

Doing that, on P* I've actually made $109 with a 12% ROI. But that's only with 95 games. I don't play much on P*, since it's so much more convenient to play on FTP.

FTP has not been quite so successful. I'm down $293 with an average loss per game of 50¢ (-10% ROI). But if you look at the graph, there's a huge $600 slide included in that time period that I'm still digging out from. That's across 564 games.

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