Sunday, October 18, 2009

Make your own NFL doubleheader!

I'm watching the Giants and Saints game right now. It's on KCBA. Yay!

KTVU's scheduled to air the Cardinals-Seahawks game at 1. Last I heard, the Raiders hadn't sold out, so that game may not air. That would be our punishment, I guess, for not buying tickets to see JaMarcus throw picks and incompletes. Frank Caliendo said it best today - he called the Raiders "Clippers bad." Word.

Anyway, CBS's game today is Ravens-Vikings. So I am flipping back and forth between two games featuring teams off to a 5-0 start. Can't complain much about that! If KTVU indeed airs the Seahawks game this afternoon, well, I'll have gotten to see 3 games instead of 2. And thus, the antenna gambit pays off!

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